It seems we are having a bit of a tiff with the dead lady next door! She's not exactly there anymore as she's been dead for four years now, and her house has been empty, but her relatives are now giving us a bit of grief.
When we moved onto our property 11 years ago, the fences were already up in our back pasture. We don't know who built them or what, but they were there.
After the lady next door died, the fence line on her side started going into disrepair. We haven't really done anything to fix them, because frankly, we don't see the need. And, of course, her relatives have never done anything to fix them. We do have two horses and one has been going over to that property because of a hole in the fence.
We've used extra fencing and such to try and cover it up and seems to work part of the time, but every once in awhile he still goes over.
Lately, the son of the dead lady has been coming over to our house and very rudely stating that we need to fix that fence and if he sees our horse over there one more time, he's calling THE LAW. Now, that needs to be said, with true redneck slur.
Yesterday, during Tropical storm Edouard, our horse decided to visit the dead lady again and unfortunately the son and his wife were there. Now, if we do happen to see our horse there, we get him out as quick as possible and sometimes it turns out, it's not our horse, but our other neighbor's horse. This time it was ours. I really don't know how he got through except he was brave enough to jump over some of the fencing.
The son tried to blame it on an area where fence posts are knocked down, but barbed wire is up. Our horse does not go near the barbed wire and I proved it when I was trying to bring him back through. He bout near pulled my arm off not wanting to go by that barbed wire. Luckily, the wife saw all of this going on too. He went back to his favorite hole, but couldn't get back through because of the fencing.
In the rain, I set to work trying to unrig the fence so that I could get him to go back through. After many scrapes, mud, lots of rain and a bribery of food, he jumped back through. This time I believe I rigged it up a lot better that he won't go back on their property.
Then, THE LAW showed up! All they said, was are you going to keep your horse off their property? Well, duh, I'm sure going to try! It's not like I'm not!
After telling this to my husband, he said, hey, if they're willing to pay half, maybe we can work something out, but it's not our fence. If they want something, they're going to have to be willing to put something up as well.
If not, I don't think they'll like what we'll put up as they are trying to put their property on the market. I like this guy's idea and this will be our new fence!
13 years ago
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