We got another phone call from Marshall on October 31st! Well, for us it was Halloween, for him it was November 1st already. We were getting ready to go trick or treating, but that could be put on hold to talk to him. He was in the middle of work so with the delay of voices going back and forth and constantly being put on hold, it was a really nice conversation!
He's doing well and dealing with the cold! I guess now he can get goodies make with chocolate in it! He said, he has gotten well over 100 cards and letters and some packages and he was just so amazed at the generosity of some of you guys. People he's never met! He doesn't know how he can thank you enough. He said he's going to try to send thank you notes to those who sent gifts, but it's been really hard to do so what with work and studying for his tests. He gets done with one thing and has to start on another and then just basically conks out! But he did want me to pass on to everyone that he is very, very thankful to all of you.
I asked him if it was true that he might be coming home at the end of March and he said I knew more than him! We got a letter from his commander letting us know Marshall was doing a great job and he said that everything was on track for Marshall to come home at the end of March. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and everything else that he will come home safe and sound.
And, as Marshall is doing his job in Iraq, our other son decided he would enlist! Trenton, our oldest is now a Marine. He joined the US Marine Corps and they picked him up for boot camp at Camp Pendleton on November 5th! If all goes well, we'll see him graduate the beginning of February!
Then, in the middle of all of that, my daughter-in-law Jaimie, Marshall's wife, will be starting her stint in the Air Force as well!! She will start basic training November 27th! Then after she graduates, she will go to Tech School for Traffic Management Operations!
We're so very proud of all of them.
13 years ago